At Laughery Valley Ag we like to partner with our growers to help them with everything we can from bag to bushel. We carry a full line of dry fertilizers such as 0-0-60, 18,46,0, Urea, Anhydrous, AMS, and Pelletized Gypsum to name a few. As for liquid fertilizer, we offer 28% and 9-24-3 starter fertilizer. We carry a full line of seed products including corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, cover crops and seed treatments done right at our facility. We offer full line up of custom application equipment including machines for tassel application of fungicide, spraying spreading and topdressing of corn. Now that we have helped you pick out products to plant - and put fertilizer out to feed it, now its time to protect it. We offer a full spectrum of herbicides, insecticides, seed treatments, foliar feeds, growth regulators and much more to help protect and maximize your crop.
YOU CAN REACH THE CROPS DEPARTMENT AT 812-852-2080 OR 812-689-6408
Today's farmer has been stretched to their limits with so much happening on the farm and weather looming over having an extra hired hand to help can mean the difference in getting a crop out and not. At Laughery Valley Ag we have a great team that is here to help you get those acres covered. We offer a full line of application equipment for both liquid and dry as well as the availability of aerial services when needed. We do applications of nitrogen post on corn in both dry and liquid forms, we can apply fungicide on beans and corn thru tassel with either aerial or ground rigs.